UxV/35™ Stack Management Boards
Rotate, reverse, or rearrange your stack horizontally or vertically to best fit the shape of your craft.
KA1049-01 UxV/35™ Stack Management Board Set
These boards are sold only as a set. They are not available individually.
UxV/35™ Stack Management boards allow for manipulation of the UxV/35™ stack vertically, horizontally, rotationally, and through inversion. All UxV/35™ stack signals are carried through.
These are supplied for additional connector spacing, enhanced interoperability with other systems or simply to place another UxV/35™ board at an optimal location.
This set includes the following boards:
- KA1043-1 Double Height
- KA-1044-01 45 Degree Rotation
- KA-1045-01 Male Side Reflect
- KA1048-01 Female Side Reflect
- KA1046-01 Side Stack 0 Degree Rotate
- KA1047-01 Side Stack 90 Degree Rotate
See below for more details about these boards and links to their schematics.
KA1043-1 Double Height

This stack management board provides a single vertical slot of space in the UxV/35™ stack.
It is used for additional connector spacing, enhanced interoperability with other systems or simply to place another UxV/35™ board at an optimal location.
KA-1044-01 45 Degree Rotation

This stack management board rotates the stack above or below its position by 45 degrees. The full UxV/35™ stack is carried through.
This can be helpful for connector placement, camera orientation, antennae de-confliction, etc.
KA-1045-01 Male Side Reflect

This stack management board inverts the female end at the top of a UxV/35™ stack by allowing the stack to continue above that level in an inverted fashion. That is where the male pins are pointing up, as opposed to the normal female sockets.
This can be helpful for connector placement, camera orientation, antennae de-confliction etc.
KA1048-01 Female Side Reflect

This stack management board inverts the male end at the bottom of a UxV/35™ stack by allowing the stack to continue below that level in an inverted fashion. That is where the female sockets are pointing down as opposed to the normal male pins.
This can be helpful for connector placement, camera orientation, antennae de-confliction, etc.
KA1046-01 Side Stack 0 Degree Rotate

This stack management board allows the UxV/35™ stack to protrude out the side of the stack. Based on how the board components are loaded, the stack can protrude out any of the 4 UxV/35™ stack sides.
The normal 0-degree rotation is protruding out the A-C side of the UxV/35™ Stack.
This can be helpful for connector placement, camera orientation, antennae de-confliction, other active boards such as WAPs, etc.
KA1047-01 Side Stack 90 Degree Rotate

This stack management board allows the UxV/35™ stack to protrude out the side of the stack. Based on how the board components are loaded, the stack can protrude out any of the 4 UxV/35™ stack sides.
The normal 90-degree rotation is protruding out the C-D side of the UxV/35™ Stack.
This can be helpful for connector placement, camera orientation, antennae de-confliction, other active boards such as WAPs, etc.