UxV/35™ Interoperability Boards
Adapt the connectors on open-source boards from multiple vendors.
KA1050-01 UxV/35™ Interoperability Board Set
Interoperability with other UxV boards is a key benefit of the UxV/35™ concept.
While many boards are available in the UxV/35™ standard, there are features and capabilities that are not available, not compatible, etc.
These interoperability boards make it easy to integrate other manufacturer’s boards into the UxV/35™ stack approach. This maintains the modularity of components in the UxV/35™ ecosystem.
This set puts together enough variety of stack management to achieve any desired configuration easily.
This set includes the following boards:
- KA1022-01 Male to 30.5mm
- KA1023-01 Female to 30.5mm
- KA1024-01 Prototype 30.5mm
- KA1025-01 Small Wired Module
- KA1026-01 Base Breakout Servo Wire
- KA1027-01 Prototype
See below for more details about these boards and links to their schematics.
KA1022-01 Male to 30.5mm
This interoperability board accepts one of many boards that are available in the industry that are based on the 30.5mm mounting hole standard.
All UxV/35™ pins are brought out in a labeled format for easy solder or connector interface to the 3rd party’s 30.5mm board.
As it has male pins on the bottom, it is designed to sit on the top of the UxV/35™ stack.
KA1023-01 Female to 30.5mm
This interoperability board accepts one of many boards that are available in the industry that are based on the 30.5mm mounting hole standard.
All UxV/35™ pins are brought out in a labeled format for easy solder or connector interface to the 3rd party’s 30.5mm board.
As it has female sockets on the top, it is designed to connect to the bottom of the UxV/35™ stack.
KA1024-01 Prototype 30.5mm
This interoperability board provides a sea-of-holes on a 100 grid for prototype development or integration of unique circuitry to the UxV/35™ stack.
All UxV/35™ pins are brought to the prototype area for easy solder connection.
As it has male pins on the bottom, it is designed to sit on the top of the UxV/35™ stack.
KA1025-01 Small Wired Module
This interoperability board allows small 3rd party boards to be suspended and connected into the center of the UxV/35™ stack, creating a custom UxV/35™ module.
All UxV/35™ pins are brought to the center rim area for easy solder connection.
It has normal UxV/35™ connectors so it can be placed anywhere in the stack.
KA1026-01 Base Breakout Servo Wire
This interoperability board brings all UxV/35™ Connections out to industry standard servo style connections.
This allows for an interoperable connection to 3rd part systems using readily available servo jumpers.
It has female sockets only and is designed to be placed at the bottom of a UxV/35™ stack.
KA1027-01 Prototype
This interoperability board provides a generous prototype area for creating a custom UxV/35™ module.
Custom circuitry or modules can be easily integrated into the UxV/35™ stack.
All UxV/35™ pins are brought to the prototype area for easy solder connection.
It has normal UxV/35™ connectors so it can be placed anywhere in the stack.
KA1028-01 UxV/35™ Breakout
- 3 Pin servo connections for the UxV/35™ servo signals
- Small micro framework (mf) connectors for all serial signals
- KK100 connectors for all other signals
This can be used for stack interconnection or UxV/35™ stack testing.